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Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片

商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/vip--af000088096/products/0010501964

Market Leader Elementary New Edition retains the dynamic and effective approach to business English that has made the course so successful in classes worldwide. With its new listening content and thoroughly updated material from authentic business sources such as the Financial Times, it reflects the fast-changing world of business.

New Self-Study CD-ROMs contain:
* Video
* Interactive case studies
* Language reviews
* Vocabulary exercises
* Skills practice
* Listening activities (This disc can also be played as an audio CD)

Find out more about the course and access resources such as topic-related links for every unit. Receive new ready-made lessons every week when you subscribe to the Market Leader Premier Site.


  • 出版社:東華


  • 出版日期:2011/03/04
  • 語言:英文

線上學Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片 線上英文 線上Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片學習 Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片 學習 線上Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片教學 線上學習英文

Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片

Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片 家教 Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片教學 線上Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片課程 線上Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片新聞 英文Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片英文線上課程

繼「海角七號」、「少年PI的奇幻漂流」在屏東恆春半島取景,帶動一股追星旅遊熱潮,由陳玉勳執導的2017春節賀歲片「健忘村」也正在滿州鄉拍攝;滿州鄉長余增春說,他已向片商爭取保留拍片場景,為恆春半島再添一處追星觀光亮點。正在趕拍的「健忘村」是導演陳玉勳繼「總鋪師」後,明年春節推出的古裝喜劇片,男女主角是王千源和金馬影后舒琪,還有香港影帝曾志偉、張孝全及楊祐寧等;事發生在清末民初的窮鄉僻壤,描述一個即將被火車鐵路興建通過的化外之地村落,發生改變村民命運的神秘事件。「健忘村」在滿州鄉取景地是1處偏僻農地,為避免打擾和商業機密,片商去年底在路口雇保全設管制哨,謝絕外界參觀、拍攝,在遠處可隱約看到搭建的數間茅草屋場景,舒琪等演員拍片期間住的民宿,且和片廠簽下保密協定,不得洩露;監製李烈說,下月底就會拍完人員撤離,暑假開始宣傳。「現有8個村,不久加入『健忘村』,就變9個村了!」余增春說,滿州鄉多在墾丁國家公園範圍內,土地開發受到法令限制,除了傳統農業,鄉公所積極推動觀光和生態旅遊,「海角七號」和「少年PI 」片成功帶動追星熱潮,鄉民莫不希望「健忘村」能複製成功經驗,帶動觀光產業。他說,透過電影鏡頭,讓更多人認識滿州鄉,是花再多宣傳費也買不到的廣告效益,也已向片商表達繼續保留拍片場景帶動地方觀光的意願,片商允諾協助促成;未來會在「健忘村」闢停車場並拓寬農路,恆春半島又將新增1處追星亮點。由陳玉勳執導的「健忘村」正在屏東縣滿州鄉拍片,鄉長余增春爭取保留拍片場景成為「第9村」,為恆春半島再添追星觀光亮點。記者潘欣中/攝影 分享 facebook twitter pinterest

線上英文廣播 線上Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片測驗 如何學好Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片 學好英文 學好 Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片的方法 Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片學好英文發音 如何學好 Market Leader (Elementary) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CD-1片英文文法


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